
  • Top / News / Vietnam Japan Microwave 2017 Conference, June 13-14th, Hanoi University of Science and Technology



Vietnam Japan Microwave 2017 Conference, June 13-14th, Hanoi University of Science and Technology

CMEV paper
“IEEE802.11ah PHY baseband IP” Hideaki Odagiri, Koji Yamada, Yuichi Arata (CM Engineering Co., Ltd.), Masanobu Hasegawa, Hoang Hieu Ky Phung, Nguyen Dinh Minh, Nguyen Ngoc Phi My (CM Engineering Vietnam Co., Ltd.)

  • Introduce CMEV to academic community through the paper
  • Gain latest info about microwave technology
  • Get familiar with academic activity

VJMW2017 CMEJ/CMEV participants:

CMEJ:Hideaki Odagiri, CMEV:Masanobu Hasegawa, Hoang Hieu Ky Phung

About VJMW2017:

VJMW2017 (Vietnam-Japan Microwave 2017) is an annual technical conference mainly supported by IEICE technical committee. This year 2017, it is held on Jun 13-14th in Hanoi University of Science and Technology.


  1. Active Devices and Circuits Low-noise devices and circuits, high-power devices and circuits, control circuits (mixers, oscillators, switches, etc.), MMICs and HMICs (receivers, transmitters, etc.), silicon RF devices
  2. Passive Components Filters and resonators, ferrite and surface wave components, packaging techniques, passive devices and circuits, waveguides, transmission lines
  3. Systems Communication systems, microwave applications (ITS, SPS, etc.), microwave medical & biological applications/EMC/EMI, phased array antenna systems
  4. Fundamental theory and techniques Scattering and propagation, electromagnetic field theory and CAD, antenna theory and designs, microwave photonics, microwave superconductivity, measurement techniques, applied electromagnetics
  5. Emerging Technologies RF MEMS, active antennas, photonic bandgap and artificial metamaterials, metamaterial absorption, software defined radio, wireless LAN/Bluetooth, RF energy harvesting, wireless power transfer


  • CMEV presents IEEE802.11ah PHY baseband IP, a successful cooperation between CMEJ and CMEV.
  • Thanks CMEJ for not only in project development but also in the paper creation.
  • Most of the topics are about RF and antenna technologies out of CMEV’s scope. Fortunately the “Circuits and Systems” section is quite interesting and more comprehensive.
  • We get the first experience in academic activity such as making paper, submitting to the official conference, and presenting in the meeting.
  • VJMW seems not to be a relevant technical conference for CMEV. ICDV should be an appropriate one for us to join.