IT Agricultural Experimental Demonstration of 920MHz wireless feature at the facility of Saitama City
This time, CM Engineering would like to introduce the Next Generation IT Agricultural Experimental Demonstration that is held at Citizen’s Forest and Minuma Green Center, which is a public facility in Saitama City.
Period: 11th Nov, 2014 (Tues) ~ 11th Mar, 2015 (Wed)
Place: Citizen’s Forest and Minuma Green Center
This experimental demonstration is proceeded from the effort intention for the next generation agriculture of Saitama City Floriculture Union and the effort on contribution to the agricultural field by wireless sensor network that is using our company product – CRESSON-MD920 (the specified low-power radio microcomputer module at the 920MHz bandwidth) and implemented at the Citizen’s Forest and Minuma Green Center under the cooperation with Saitama City.
We install multiple units with the sensors for temperature, humidity, CO2 concentration, sunshine, soil moisture, etc…at the exhibition green-house in Minuma Green Center and implement wireless transmission for the host machine by using CRESSON-MD920 which is possible to transmit sensor data over long distances. The sensor data is possible to load periodically at the control office where is far from the green- house.
Besides, it is possible to connect to the cloud server and monitoring situation by the internet line that was installed for the experimental demonstration and get the alert notification from the control office in case of abnormality. By accumulating the data in the cloud server, it is possible to carry out data analysis of the plant growth environment and check the green house environment from a smart phone or a tablet that is connected to the Internet.
This experimental demonstration was also introduced and got good impression from many people in agricultural field at the Saitama Agricultural Festival that was held on 15th Nov, 2014 (Sat) and 16th Nov, 2014 (Sun).
CM Engineering Co., Ltd. will use the various data that was got from this experimental demonstration to promote IT in agricultural field by using CRESSON-MD920 series, inherit the know-how that has been the challenge in agricultural field, improve the quality and contribute to productivity improvement.
This demonstration was introduced at Embedded Technology 2014 that was held in Pacifico Yokohama from 19th Nov, 2014 (Wed) to 21st Nov, 2014 (Fri)
Embedded Technology 2014 Exhibition Introducing Page
CRESSON-MD920 Product Introducing Page
Inquiries regarding to this experimental demonstration
CM Engineering Co., Ltd. – Business Planning Section – Sales Department
03-6420-0947 (Direct)
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Future efforts CM Engineering Vietnam Co., Ltd.
In system using CRESSON, We will continue to contribute to the spread of IT agriculture in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.
Inquiry other than the above
CM Engineering Vietnam Co., Ltd. – Business office
+84 8 7300 1100 (Direct)
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